Hi Ian,

Two issues block the introduction of a BOOLEAN datatype:

1) We need DRDA support in order to transport this type across our network layer. I am cautiously optimistic that we will see this type appear in the DRDA spec early in 2007. So, soon, this issue will not block us.

2) DERBY-887, as you note, also blocks us. The behavior of certain casts would have to change and that, we believe, would significantly impact existing applications. Our rules about backwards compatibility suggest that this kind of change can only occur in a major release. That, as you note, would be Derby 11.0.

A lot of people have requested a BOOLEAN datatype. At the same time, other people are concerned about backward compatibility. This topic unfortunately pits two groups of users against each other.


Ian Leslie wrote:
Actually I was just opening wishing but I checked the bug database and
found issue 499 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-499.  Looks
like a lot of work was done and it was almost in but had to backed out
<http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-1029> because of a blocking
issue <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-887>.  Issue 499 is
tagged as to be fixed in 11.0 but the blocking issue is not committed to
11.0.  Go vote if you want this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bayless Kirtley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there reason to think the next version may support Boolean data type?

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