Hi Leo,

Also I think following will be a better createString, I wonder why you
didn''t get any error for "generate'. Also please don't use 'Table' as table
name. I got error for that also. And KEY_ID can not have any null values,
since you are making it unique it should be declared as not null. My
suggestion for the createString is as follows

create table Table1 (SAMPLE_ID int not null generated always as identity,KEY
_ID bigint not null,KEY_INST_COUNT int, DATAOBJ blob (102400),

On 2/9/07, Mamta Satoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You need to use BIGINT rather than long for KEY_ID column.


 On 2/9/07, Leo Alberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hy
> I'm try to using Derby<http://db.apache.org/derby/releases/release-> in
> embedded mode with the integrated plug-in environment in Eclipse 3.2.0.
> Environment jre 1.6.0
> I would create a table with this code :
> *public* *boolean* tableCreation(Connection currentConn, String Table)
>                     *throws* DatabaseDriverException {
> *boolean* doCreateTable = *true*;
>              Statement stmt = *null*;
>              String createString = "create table " +
> Table +
> "(SAMPLE_ID int not null generate always as increment, " +
> "KEY_ID long, " +
> "KEY_INST_COUNT int, " +
> "DATAOBJ blob (102400), " +
>              "unique(KEY_ID))";
>              *try* {
>                     currentConn.setAutoCommit (*false*);
>                     stmt = currentConn.createStatement();
>                     DatabaseMetaData md = currentConn.getMetaData();
>                     ResultSet rs = md.getTables(*null*, *null*, "%", *
> null*);
>                     *while* (rs.next()) {
> System.*out* .println("Elenco tabelle nel db " + rs.getString(3));
>                            *if* (rs.getString(3).equals(tabella)) {
>                                   doCreateTable = *false*;
>                                   *break*;
>                            }
>                     }
>                     *if* (doCreateTable) {
>                            // execute
>                            stmt. execute(createString); // *I'm arriving
> here ang got the error*
>                            doCreateTable = *true*;
>                     }
>                     currentConn.commit();
>                     stmt.close();
>              } *catch* (SQLException e) {
>                     *throw* *new* DatabaseDriverException("Error create
> table", e);
>              }
>              *return* doCreateTable;
>        }/* End tableCreation */
> the error is:
> Syntax error: Encountered "," at line 1, column 88.
>        at
> org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory40.getSQLException(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown
> Source)
>        at
> org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.TransactionResourceImpl.wrapInSQLException(Unknown
> Source)
>        at
> org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.TransactionResourceImpl.handleException(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.handleException(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.ConnectionChild.handleException(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedStatement.execute(Unknown
> Source)Error create table
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedStatement.execute(Unknown
> Source)
>        at dds.dbdrivers.DerbyDriver.tableCreation(* DerbyDriver.java:257
> *)
>        at provaDB.main(*provaDB.java:39 *)
> Caused by: *java.sql.SQLException* : Syntax error: Encountered "," at
> line 1, column 88.
>        at 
> Source)
>        at
> Source)
>        ... 10 more
> from errorlog.txt generated:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> 2007-02-09 17:31:01.452 GMT:
>  Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby -
> - (485682): instance c013800d-0110-a78e-d8b1-ffffa2db3c51
> on database directory C:\DdsAppDb\DbDOMAIN_(7)
> Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''
> 2007-02-09 17:31:10.786 GMT Thread[main,5,main] (XID = 122), (SESSIONID
> = 0), (DATABASE = DbDOMAIN_(7)), (DRDAID = null), Cleanup action starting
> 2007-02-09 17:31:10.786 GMT Thread[main,5,main] (XID = 122), (SESSIONID
> = 0), (DATABASE = DbDOMAIN_(7)), (DRDAID = null), Failed Statement is:
> <my add>
> create table POSITION (SAMPLE_ID int not null generated always as
> identity, KEY_ID long, KEY_INST_COUNT int, DATAOBJ blob (102400),
> unique(KEY_ID))
> ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "," at line 1, column 88.
>        at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.ParserImpl.parseStatement(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericStatement.prepMinion(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericStatement.prepare(Unknown
> Source)
>        at
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedStatement.execute(Unknown
> Source)
>        at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedStatement.execute(Unknown
> Source)
>        at dds.dbdrivers.DerbyDriver.tableCreation(DerbyDriver.java:257)
>        at provaDB.main(provaDB.java:39)
> Cleanup action completed
> I would be very glad if someone can help me understand wath is wrong!
> thanks in advance
> Alberto Leo

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