m96 wrote:
> hi,
> checkout [3]. since i had a crashing and freezing problem with odbc
> connections from MS Query and Brio i couldn't test it if it also works
> from ODBC. just check your derby log to see if the db is booted and
> shutdown.
> cheers...
> [3] http://db.apache.org/derby/manuals/reference/sqlj251.html

That's a 10.0 doc pointer, which is probably up to date for
shutdown=true, but here's the current 10.2 link anyhow:


And here's the html head for the 10.2 reference manual:



> On Sun, 2007-06-03 at 04:44 -0700, yarono wrote: 
>>by open / close I mean that after I started the connection and created a db
>>and inserted values to a table, I want to close the db (save it to file) and
>>the later on be able to open the file and get the db as it was at the point
>>of closure.
>>m96 wrote:
>>>what do you mean with open/close?
>>>just start your network server as described in the tutorial [1] and
>>>configure your odbc connection with IBM DB2 connect [2] and connect to
>>>your db like any other db.
>>>[1] http://db.apache.org/derby/papers/DerbyTut/ns_intro.html
>>>[2] http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/db2connect/
>>>On Sun, 2007-06-03 at 01:29 -0700, yarono wrote:
>>>>I looked through the manuals and api guides, but was unable to find how
>>>>do I
>>>>close / open a db in odbc interface.
>>>>Could someone please reply with a refernce to the answer? or just reply
>>>>the answer?
>>>>thanks in advance,

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