all of these options - except the append - are already set, but there was no more information about this in the logs:

DERBY-666 describes at least one case in which these properties
don't provide all the information that you might wish.

For diagnosing my own application's locking behavior, I have found
SYSCS_DIAG.LOCK_TABLE (aka org.apache.derby.diag.LockTable) to
be extremely helpful:

Here's another nice page on the LockTable VTI:

What I have done is to catch the lock timeout error, and in the catch
handling I have some code that dumps the lock table information to
a simple text file. By reading that file I have learned a lot about what
locks are being held.

Also, depending on whether you are on Unix or Windows, it is useful to
combine this with using either "kill -QUIT" or "Control-Break" to get
a live stack trace of the threads in your application at the time of
the lock timeout.

Hope this helps!



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