Lindsay Holman wrote:
Hi all,

I hope I have sent this to the appropriate place.

I am developing a webstart application which incorporates an embedded
Derby DB.

I am having a problem however trying to lookup resources,
specifically, the getInputStream() method on CPFile.

Running the app against the same DB (deployed as a jar) outside of
webstart works fine.

To add to the confusion, the particular .dat file being loaded does
load successfully sometimes, but not at other times.

Debugging, I can see CPFile get's the JNLP class loader, and calls
getResourceAsStream, passing the path to the required data file (in my
case QDB/seg0/c49b1.dat).  This simply returns null, resulting in the
method eventually raising a FileNotFoundException, which appears in
the Derby log.  Interestingly, it is always at the same spot that this
method fails.  The same class loader is definitely being referenced by
the successful and unsuccessful attempts at loading this resource.

Has anyone come across anything like this?  I know it sounds like a
JNLPClassLoader issue, but I thought someone here may have seen
something similar.


Lindsay Holman
How many jar files do you have and if more than one is the jar file containing the database explicitly specified in the JNLP file? WebStart takes no notice of ClassPath attributes in jar file manifests.

Mark Thornton

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