Very nice!  Is Java DB embedded in the applet, or used solely on the
server side?


On Oct 31, 2007 2:41 PM, David Leader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found the replies to my query interesting. I guess I need to ask my
> son why he favours SQLite. I much prefer to stick with a Java-based
> solution as writing academic software on the Mac it has to be cross-
> platform, and I was unaware - and found it heartening - that Sun's
> JavaDB was an implementation of Derby. (OK, for server stuff it
> doesn't matter. Hell, I have Perl scripts called by my Servlet-based
> web app.) I guess that the one reason that Google preferred SQL is
> that it could not rely on Java being installed on user's machines. In
> a way Microsoft made the decision for them.
> David
> PS If anyone is interested in my final executable app with the
> embedded Derby db, they can download it from <
> dihedralizer.html>. Even if you don't understand it, you can get some
> pretty pictures :-)

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