>>>>>>>>>>>> dexter195 wrote (2008-02-14 04:20:13):
> Hi
> I have a load of sql files that i need to be able to import into derby. 
> What delimiter do i need at the end of the statements in order for derby to
> see it as a seperate query. i presumed that this would be ; but this doesnt
> work. I've tried all variants i can think of but none of them work.
> insert into MeasurementColumn values
> ("test","test",1,"test",2,3,4,5,"test","test","test","test",6);
> insert into MeasurementColumn values
> ("test1","test1",1,"test1",2,3,4,5,"test1","test1","test1","test1",6);
> ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered ";" at line 2, column 129.

The statement is syntactically incorrect. You should use ' not " to
delimit strings in SQL, like this:

insert into MeasurementColumn values
insert into MeasurementColumn values

Bernt Marius Johnsen, Database Technology Group, 
Staff Engineer, Derby/Java DB
Sun Microsystems, Trondheim, Norway

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