Won't this still limit the setting to the MAX_PRE_ALLOC_SIZE?  Why have the 
maximum setting? Or, at least, why limit it to just 8 pages? If it is 
configurable, then applications that need the option have it available, and 
those that don't can continue using the default settings. I'm surprised there's 
an option to configure the initial allocation but not the increment size.

What I've been trying to do is use Derby in a client application that needs to 
download more data than will fit into heap. The objects get serialized into 
rows and are indexed by the row number and an additional java.util.UUID that 
identifies the object. The client gui can analyze the data and display the 
results and the raw data as required.

The loading works great up to the initial allocation of pages, then it crawls, 
which cascades through and disrupts the whole application. It looks like I 
could solve this by configuring the page-increment size just like the initial 
allocation setting. 

I had hoped to use Derby as a kind of general purpose heap management solution. 
It has been doing a great job of limiting the amount of heap it uses, and it 
integrates well with the rest of the application, but the slowdown of the table 
loading is killing me. 


-----Original Message-----
From: knut.hat...@sun.com [mailto:knut.hat...@sun.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 3:28 AM
To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: initial page allocation versus incremental allocation

Brian Peterson <dianeay...@verizon.net> writes:

> I see that there’s a property to allow configuring the number of pages
> to initially allocate to a table, derby.storage.initialPages, but
> there isn’t a property to allow for setting the number of pages to
> allocate when incrementally expanding the file container. It looks
> like RawStoreFactory might’ve allowed for this with
> public static final String PRE_ALLOCATE_PAGE = 
> “derby.storage.pagePerAllocation”;
> but this isn’t reference by anything I can find.

I haven't tested that it actually works, but it appears to be referenced
in FileContainer.createInfoFromProp():

        PreAllocSize = 
                PropertyUtil.getServiceInt(tc, createArgs,
                                DEFAULT_PRE_ALLOC_SIZE /* default */);

If it turns out that setting the property works, we should probably try
to get it into the documentation, as it looks like it could be useful.

Knut Anders

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