What Derby version is this? Do you have an index on groupCol?

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Ronald Rudy <ronchal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've gotten to the point where I seem to be able to frequently induce 
> OutOfMemoryErrors when executing a statement like this one:
> SELECT groupCol, count(*) FROM myTable GROUP BY groupCol;
> The total number of records doesn't seem terribly large (about 400,000 
> records) though while I'm executing the above statement there are likely some 
> inserts and deletes happening concurrently.  I don't need anything 
> transactional here, I'm really just monitoring a table from a separate 
> network connection.
> In our app the database runs in its own JSVC daemon as a NetworkServer with 
> 512MB allocated to it.  Page cache size is set to 2000.    Page size should 
> be Derby default (4096 I think).
> I cannot be 100% sure that the above is specifically what is causing the 
> error, but I can say that I haven't seen memory errors until I started 
> monitoring this table frequently and even then I really only saw it when the 
> table size started getting a bit bigger (not big by any stretch, but > 300k 
> rows).
> The table itself is not really big - there are 7 varchar columns along with 
> an ID column.
> In this production-level situation stability is more important than 
> performance.  I'd like Derby configured so that no matter what is requested 
> SQL wise the daemon itself is not impacted.
> I'd also like to be able to build in some handling code perhaps that if/when 
> an OutOfMemoryError is encountered, it will automatically restart - for this 
> I might need to add a script with -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError as a JVM option 
> unless there's some way to handle this internally?
> -Ron

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