
If you want to do this with a user-defined function, then you will need to declare a separate function for each datatype you need to handle.

You might be able to use a CASE expression for this problem. It's a little more verbose than using a function. Here is an example:

connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:derby;create=true';

create table t( a int, b int, c date, d date );
insert into t( b, d ) values ( 1, date('1994-02-23') );

  case when a is null then b else a end,
  case when c is null then d else c end
from t;

Hope this helps,

Hardie82 wrote:

I want to implement the NVL-function for my derby-db to use sql-statement
once written for an informix-db. Therefor I began to write a function class
with methods like the following code:

  public static String nvl(String arg1, String arg2)
    if(arg1 == null)
      return arg2;
    return arg1;

I also create a function in sql:

CREATE FUNCTION NVL(arg1 VARCHAR(100), arg2 VARCCHAR(100)) returns
VARCHAR(100) language java external name 'mypackage.testdb.DerbyCustomFunctions.nvl' parameter style java no sql;

That works fine for statements with varchar-argument and length 100. But
what about other data-types like INTEGER or DATE? Have I to implement
methods for all data-type combination or is there a better way? Something
like a data-type converter for derby? I thought to get informations for
implementation from the nullif-function but can't find it in the derby-code.

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