My app is made of a login-server connected with embeddeddriver to the derby,
and another server that needs to connect too to the database.

You can use what is called the "Embedded Server", where one program directly
accesses the database using the embedded driver, while that same program
also accepts connections over the net, thus allowing your other program(s)
to access the database using the client driver.

1) Main server accesses Derby directly, with embedded driver
2) Main server also starts a Network Server inside of it
3) All other programs access Derby via the main server, using the client driver

Alternately (and this is what I generally do), you can run the Network Server
as a standalone Derby server, and then run *all* of your programs using the
client driver:
1) Start the Network Server as a standalone process
2) Main server accesses Derby via client driver
3) All other programs access Derby via client driver

No matter what, the programs which access Derby via the client driver can
only do so successfully when the Network Server is up and running, so
operationally your procedures have to allow for starting the Network Server
at the appropriate time(s) and having it running when you need access to
the database.



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