I will try to summarise my experiences in the wiki once I have completed my full
round trip of what I am/was trying to achieve:

1) have a JAVA provider (in Germany) host a Derby Network Server for me - done
2) have them run the Derby Server using SSL encryption and peer authentication -
3) become my own CA to allow me to create and sign SSL *client* certificates
myself - done (and buy the server certificate from an official CA)
3) have my applications securely communicate with the database server either
direct (my java application - done) or via Tomcat (my java web application -
mostly done)
4) use SQL authorisation to protect my data base objects - done (also many
thanks to Dag and the team that with release 10.7.1 the possibility to execute
procedures with definer rights was introduced which was a concept I was missing
in the previous version)
5) migrate off from using the built-in user system to utilizing LDAP - work in
progress (and hoping this journey will be al lot shorter than my SSL endevours)


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