emchem <emman...@chem.la> writes:

> Hi, I needed to accomplish a simple task with Derby: computing an interval of
> days (like datedif in excel).
> I used the TIMESTAMPDIFF function, it seemed to work well, until I noticed a
> strange behaviour : sometimes the computation is OK, sometimes not.
> After having searched the trouble, I've found that from TIMESTAMPDIFF's
> point of view, the 28 march 2010 is not a different day than the 29 march of
> 2010.


This sounds like a bug. The problematic date seems to coincide with the
switch to daylight saving time in Europe, so my guess would be that it's
somehow related to that. It would be great if you could file a bug
report at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY so that we can
track the problem.

Knut Anders

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