On 10/27/2011 09:26 PM, Sundar Narayanaswamy wrote:
I insert 10000 rows into the table, then delete all that rows. I then call 
with just the option to purge rows so that the space left behind by deleted 
rows can be reused for future inserts. I have
the inserts, deletes and compress in a loop. After running through the loop a 
few times, I am noticing that the
number of allocated and unfilled pages for the primary key keeps growing 
(causing database size to grow over time). The
longer I run the loop, larger these numbers are. That does not happen for the 
table or the index files though..

This seems like incorrect behavior to me; I think all the space should
be reclaimed. I think you should open a job in JIRA and provide your
test program so the developers can have a look at the behavior and try
to understand what is doing on.




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