Well, full disclosure, I'm a contributor to Bitronix. :-)


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On Apr 15, 2012, at 20:52, Martin Lichtin <lich...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks Brett and Knut.
> Interesting you guys mention Bitronix TM.
> I was dealing with Atomikos when this question of a test query came up.
> Unlike Bitronix it doesn't support the JDBC4 isValid().
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Suitable test query for Derby?
> From: Knut Anders Hatlen <knut.hat...@oracle.com>
> To: Derby Discussion <derby-user@db.apache.org>
> Date: 4/13/2012 9:29 PM
>> Martin Lichtin<lich...@yahoo.com>  writes:
>>> Hi
>>> Implementations of connection pooling typically use a "test query" to first 
>>> check
>>> whether a connection is still valid before sending the actual query across.
>>> A test query looks like
>>>   SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL (eg. PostgreSQL or Oracle)
>>> or
>>>   SELECT 1 (eg. Ingres)
>>> What is a suitable test query for Derby? I couldn't find one off-hand.
>> VALUES 1 would be Derby's equivalent of the Ingres query. Or you could
>> use isValid(), as Brett suggested. (If I remember correctly, the client
>> driver actually implements isValid() by executing VALUES 1 on the
>> server.)

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