On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 23:26 -0700, jaz1988 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a table, TABLE1 which has a column which is GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS
> IDENTITY. I managed to export this table and import into an existing DB with
> the same table. The import is able to adjust the IDENTITY column accordingly
> with regards to the existing data in the table. 
> The problem is, I have another table, TABLE2 which has a foreign key that
> referenced to the IDENTITY column in TABLE1. When the IDENTITY column in
> TABLE1 is adjusted after import, the import of TABLE2 will fail since the
> References is messed up already. Am I doing it right or is there other ways
> to do import and exports of Tables with references.
> Thank you!

Since you specified BY DEFAULT that means you can import TABLE1 using
the existing id values so that when you import TABLE2 you shouldn't have
any referential integrity issues.  But, of course, you'll want to export
the id values from TABLE1.

I was able to do this using Derby's SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA

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