On 06/30/2012 02:24 PM, fed wrote:
I have a derby database 10.8.x and i use it with jdo/datanuclues.
I am trying to update it to 10.9 but after updating it the database
becomes unusable, it gives me an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on
conn.getMetaData().getIndexInfo(... ).

From time to time, upgrade bugs such as this creep into Derby.

It sounds like you have made good progress on narrowing down a
reproduction scenario for this problem.

Getting the *exact* details for what reproduces the problem is
critical with these upgrade bugs. Derby has a very extensive
upgrade test suite, but there are an astonishing number of
combinations and sometimes something slips through.

It would be great if you can enter a JIRA issue describing the upgrade
problem that you are seeing, and include as much information as possible,
including all the information that you have in your email.

If you can describe the problem accurately enough that it can be
reproduced by somebody else, the odds of resolving it are very high.



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