
I am trying create a database from scratch using the new native 
authentication provider introduced with version 
What I tried after reading the docs was:
1st attempt) started the network server supplying
-Dderby.authentication.provider=NATIVE:myCredDB as property 
passed on JVM command line. 
The server started up, but when trying to connect 
I am getting SQLState 4251I "Authentication cannot be performed
because the credentials database '<databaseName>' does not exist." 
so my assumption the credentials database would be automatically 
created doesn't seem to be correct.
2nd attemtpt: started the network server without specifying an 
authentication provider and used ij to connect to server and 
created a database myCredDB manually. 
Shutdown the server and started it up again pointing at this 
manually created credentials database and tried to create an 
application database myAppDB. 
Trying to do this I am getting authentication not possible / 
invalid user. In both connection strings have I used the 
same user (dbo) and password (derby). 
Can someone please support and point me into the right direction
or potentially share a sample script that shows how to create an 
application database which makes use of native authentication?

Thanks a lot in advance

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