need ddl for both item_usage (i think you posted this in 1st posting) and tests (don't see this one) tables, to read the query plan. I read them bottom up, so first thing is to see what ordering is expected from the index scan, so looking for TESTS ddl and TEST_1 constraint:
Index Scan ResultSet for TESTS using constraint TESTS_1 at read
> uncommitted isolation level using share row locking chosen by the optimizer
On 4/2/2013 11:39 AM, John English wrote:
On 02/04/2013 20:05, Katherine Marsden wrote:
In set:

     If you can post  the two plans, someone might be able to give you
optimizer overrides to force the plan with incorrect sorting.

Here it is (long!). It starts with the incorrect query; I then change
the ORDER BY clause and reload the page, which then gives the correct
results. There are some other queries mixed in, but I wasn't sure what
would be relevant so I left it uncut.

Tue Apr 02 21:14:23 IDT 2013 Thread[qtp31568925-37,5,main] (XID =
7222148), (SESSIONID = 26), (DATABASE = ../db/db_copy), (DRDAID = null),
Executing prepared statement: SELECT,tests.item,title FROM
tests,item_usage WHERE username=? AND user_role>=3 AND
item_usage.item=tests.item ORDER BY tests.item,title :End prepared
statement with 1 parameters begin parameter #1: TAMMY :end parameter
Tue Apr 02 21:14:23 IDT 2013 Thread[qtp31568925-37,5,main] (XID =
7222148), (SESSIONID = 26), SELECT,tests.item,title FROM
tests,item_usage WHERE username=? AND user_role>=3 AND
item_usage.item=tests.item ORDER BY tests.item,title ******* Scroll
Insensitive ResultSet:
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 30
Number of reads from hash table = 30
Number of writes to hash table = 30
   constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
   open time (milliseconds) = 0
   next time (milliseconds) = 0
   close time (milliseconds) = 0
   optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
   optimizer estimated cost: 5186.92
Source result set:
   Project-Restrict ResultSet (7):
   Number of opens = 1
   Rows seen = 30
   Rows filtered = 0
   restriction = false
   projection = true
     constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
     open time (milliseconds) = 0
     next time (milliseconds) = 0
     close time (milliseconds) = 0
     restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
     projection time (milliseconds) = 0
     optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
     optimizer estimated cost: 5186.92
   Source result set:
     Nested Loop Join ResultSet:
     Number of opens = 1
     Rows seen from the left = 5
     Rows seen from the right = 30
     Rows filtered = 0
     Rows returned = 30
       constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
       open time (milliseconds) = 0
       next time (milliseconds) = 0
       close time (milliseconds) = 0
       optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
       optimizer estimated cost: 5186.92
     Left result set:
       Project-Restrict ResultSet (4):
       Number of opens = 1
       Rows seen = 5
       Rows filtered = 0
       restriction = true
       projection = true
         constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
         open time (milliseconds) = 0
         next time (milliseconds) = 0
         close time (milliseconds) = 0
         restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
         projection time (milliseconds) = 0
         optimizer estimated row count: 1.80
         optimizer estimated cost: 17.01
       Source result set:
         Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for ITEM_USAGE:
         Number of opens = 1
         Rows seen = 5
         Columns accessed from heap = {0, 1, 2}
           constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
           open time (milliseconds) = 0
           next time (milliseconds) = 0
           close time (milliseconds) = 0
           optimizer estimated row count: 1.80
           optimizer estimated cost: 17.01
           Index Scan ResultSet for ITEM_USAGE using constraint
ITEM_USAGE_1 at read uncommitted isolation level using share row locking
chosen by the optimizer
           Number of opens = 1
           Rows seen = 5
           Rows filtered = 0
           Fetch Size = 1
             constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
             open time (milliseconds) = 0
             next time (milliseconds) = 0
             close time (milliseconds) = 0
             next time in milliseconds/row = 0

           scan information:
             Bit set of columns fetched=All
             Number of columns fetched=2
             Number of deleted rows visited=0
             Number of pages visited=2
             Number of rows qualified=5
             Number of rows visited=6
             Scan type=btree
             Tree height=2
             start position:
               >= on first 1 column(s).
               Ordered null semantics on the following columns:
             stop position:
               > on first 1 column(s).
               Ordered null semantics on the following columns:
             optimizer estimated row count: 1.80
             optimizer estimated cost: 17.01

     Right result set:
       Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for TESTS:
       Number of opens = 5
       Rows seen = 30
       Columns accessed from heap = {0, 1, 2}
         constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
         open time (milliseconds) = 0
         next time (milliseconds) = 0
         close time (milliseconds) = 0
         optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
         optimizer estimated cost: 5169.91
         Index Scan ResultSet for TESTS using constraint TESTS_1 at read
uncommitted isolation level using share row locking chosen by the optimizer
         Number of opens = 5
         Rows seen = 30
         Rows filtered = 0
         Fetch Size = 1
           constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
           open time (milliseconds) = 0
           next time (milliseconds) = 0
           close time (milliseconds) = 0
           next time in milliseconds/row = 0

         scan information:
           Bit set of columns fetched={0, 2}
           Number of columns fetched=2
           Number of deleted rows visited=9
           Number of pages visited=5
           Number of rows qualified=30
           Number of rows visited=43
           Scan type=btree
           Tree height=1
           start position:
             >= on first 1 column(s).
             Ordered null semantics on the following columns:
           stop position:
             > on first 1 column(s).
             Ordered null semantics on the following columns:
           optimizer estimated row count: 19.34
           optimizer estimated cost: 5169.91

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