On my Windows I start Derby network server like this:

set PATH=%DROPBOX%\derby\bin;%PATH%
set DERBY_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx256m
set DERBY_OPTS=-Dderby.storage.pageCacheSize=4096 %DERBY_OPTS%

set DERBY_OPTS=-Djava.security.manager %DERBY_OPTS%
set DERBY_OPTS=-Djava.security.policy=%DROPBOX%\config\derby.policy %DERBY_OPTS%
set DERBY_OPTS=-Dderby.system.home=C:\TEMP %DERBY_OPTS%
start "Derby server" startNetworkServer


> On 26 Feb 2014, at 11:23, "Kempff, Malte" <malte.kem...@de.equens.com> wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I used to use Derby as embedded data base. Right now I‘d like to use it as 
> Server.
> When I start the server (on my own mashine right now) by using 
> startNetworkServer.bat,
> I got a warning that there is no acess on c:\derby.log.
> After researching on that I understood, that it would be great to give the 
> derby.system.home. I also read about derby.proerties file, where obviously 
> properties are stored. Of course you can give derby.system.home right on the 
> start using –Dprops-name, but if I just like to use the 
> startNetworkServer.bat how I do that there? In that File I saw something like 
> DERBY_OPTS and DERBY_CMD_LINE_ARGS as variables But where not really able to 
> see where the OPTS are supposed to be set (assuming/guessing) that here 
> java-Properties are to be set) A Listing of DERBY_CMD_LINE_ARGS I could not 
> find either.
> So using that startNetworkServer.bat what is the best/correct way to provide 
> derby.system.home property?
> Thank for Help in advance
> Malte
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