I have this Table
ij(DB_8_2)> describe memo_records;
RECORD_ID           |VARCHAR  |NULL|NULL|512   |NULL      |1024      |NO
INPUTFILE_ID        |INTEGER  |0   |10  |10    |NULL      |NULL      |YES
TMPST_IN            |TIMESTAMP|9   |10  |29    |CURRENT_T&|NULL      |NO
TMPST_USED          |TIMESTAMP|9   |10  |29    |NULL      |NULL      |YES
STATE               |CHAR     |NULL|NULL|1     |'I'       |2         |NO

And I have this CSV-Structure for importing it.
"174145"|1382|"2014-03-28 05:09:44.441"||"I"
"174146"|1382|"2014-03-28 05:09:44.558"||"I"
"174147"|1382|"2014-03-28 05:09:44.585"||"I"
"174507"|1424|"2014-04-07 05:09:56.649"|"2014-04-10 18:11:45.388"|"U"
"174508"|1424|"2014-04-07 05:09:56.738"||"I"
I am getting this Error in ij:
FEHLER 38000: Bei der Auswertung eines Ausdrucks wurde die Ausnahme 
'java.sql.SQLException: Bei der Auswertung eines Ausdrucks wurde die Ausnahme 
'java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException' ausgel÷st.' ausgel÷st.
FEHLER 38000: Bei der Auswertung eines Ausdrucks wurde die Ausnahme 
'java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException' ausgel÷st.

Well actually I cannot find the problem, I suspect that it might be the date.
But shouldn't an export produce csv correctly for the import?

Here is the Statement for export:
                                    from memo_records ',
                                   'memorecords.dat', '|', '"', 'utf8');
And here is my statement for import:
call syscs_util.syscs_import_table ('APP', 'MEMO_RECORDS', 'memorecords.dat', 
'|', '"', 'utf8',0);

I am using right now 10.8.2 needing to migrate down to (crazy, isn't 
Got somebody an idea what I could do here to solve the problem?

Thanks a lot in advance


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