Could you attach the security policy you are using as well as the derby.log file which shows the complete stack trace of the security exception?


On 7/28/14 10:03 PM, 정용환 wrote:

Hellow, I am derby user in korea.

I have a problem while I try to replication.

I success to replication with embeded mode.

and replication with server mode with no security manager.

but replication not work with  server mode with security manager.

manual said

"If you want to perform replication with the security manager enabled, you must modify the security policy file on both the master and slave systems to allow the master-slave
network connection."

so I try to modify security policy file

follow with "Customizing the Network Server's security policy" section

but when I start server with

C:\Apache\db-derby-\bin\startNetworkServer.bat -h -p 1530

and following is part of startNetworkServer.bat

"%_JAVACMD%"\Apache\db-derby-\lib %DERBY_OPTS% -classpath "%LOCALCLASSPATH%" org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start %DERBY_CMD_LINE_ARGS%

cmd log
"Thread[main,5,main] : access denied ( derby.log read)"

then server start
but when I connect db
, error messege show
"data volume is not enough , expected minimum volume is 6 byte but
received volume is obyte. connect is end."

please give me hint or solution to solve that problem.

OS is window 7

Thank you.

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