Hi Kent,

I'm moving this discussion to the derby-user@db.apache.org mailing list so that it will be archived in case anyone else is interested later on.

The work on DERBY-3946 was superseded by the work on DERBY-4415. I've resolved DERBY-3946. Hopefully that will help point people at DERBY-4415 so that they don't spend too much time wrestling with the old approach. The solution on DERBY-4415 works with production (non-debug) engines. I have just verified that it still works with the latest release.

What I recommend is this: Write your own custom version of XmlASTPrinter. Then follow DERBY-4415's instructions for printing an xml-formatted tree:

connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:dummy;create=true';

create table t( a int );

call syscs_util.syscs_register_tool( 'customTool', true, 'ASTInspector', 'XmlASTPrinter' );

select * from t;

call syscs_util.syscs_register_tool( 'customTool', false, 'ASTInspector' );

– now look for the output in derbyAST.xml

Feel free to ask more questions or make more suggestions, either on this email thread or on DERBY-4415.

Hope this helps,

On 10/13/14 3:36 PM, Kenton Garner wrote:


I have been looking for a SQL Parser for a while now with no success ( various ANTLR/ JAVACC examples came close – but no joy ).

Today I came across a discussion about the support you added to Derby to allow it to be used to generate Abstract Syntax Trees. This is great!

I have to be able to take SQL statements parsed from a log for basic DML ( INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ) and be able to convert the SQL to a custom XML format and potentially re-apply the SQL programmatically to another database.

I know your work for this was done a while ago, but I would love to make use of it. This is what I have done so far.

1.Download the debug version of the Derby libs from db.apache.org (Derby distributed with Java 7 JDK does not work here).

2.Update your sample ASTParser.java and TreeWalker.java to use the “org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager”.

3.Read your discussions on the Derby jira page in regards to the TreeWalker/Visitor and class relationships.

4.Ran some tests with basic INSERT SQL Statement.

It appears that since this is using an in memory database that I do not have to have a data dictionary or other details pre-existing in the database for the basic SQL Parsing to work. – Great News!

Note: I would be glad to ask my questions in another forum if you prefer, but I do not know how to add questions to the Derby jira page.

My question is basically…

Since both the ASTParser and the TreeWalker make use of package level calls that I have no access to; And knowing the node class from the TreeWalker does not provide me any greater access to the information that I need. How would you recommend I make best use of this code?

My first though was that I would have to modify the Derby code to get access to package, protected and private methods/variables – but I would obviously rather not alter the Derby code. Do you have any suggestions? Perhaps I am missing the obvious.

Thank you so much.



Kent Garner
Software Engineer, CDS Engineering

Global Enterprise Solutions Division


*Intelligent Software Solutions*
111 Langley Road Rome, NY 13441-4003


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