gquintana <> writes:

> From documentation, Derby is supposed to implement JDBC4.2 which introduces
> JSR 310 (Date & Time API) support into JDBC (among other things).
> Reading, I would have thought the following
> code would work, but it doesn't:
> LocalDate birthDate = ....
> statement.setObject(5, birthDate, Types.DATE);
> Caused by: ERROR XCL12: Une tentative de placement d'une valeur de données de 
> type 'java.time.LocalDate' dans une valeur de données de type 'DATE' a été 
> effectuée.
>       at Source)
>       at 
> Source)
>       ... 52 more
> LocalDate birthDate=resultSet.getObject("birth_date", LocalDate.class);
> Caused by: ERROR 22005: Une tentative d'obtention d'une valeur de données de 
> type 'java.time.LocalDate' à partir d'une valeur de données de type 'DATE' a 
> été effectuée.
>       ... 66 more
> What's the supposed way of reading/writing JSR 310 types from/into JDBC
> database?

Derby doesn't support the new type mappings yet. There is a JIRA issue
that tracks it (, but
there hasn't been any activity yet.

For now, you'll have to convert JSR 310 time and date values to the
corresponding classes in the java.sql package yourself. For example:

statement.setDate(5, java.sql.Date.valueOf(birthDate));


LocalDate birthDate = resultSet.getDate("birth_date").toLocalDate();

Hope this helps,

Knut Anders

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