
I posted a reply to your comment in DERBY-526 as well - no, unfortunately,
nothing further has happened on that issue so the problem still exists.
The workaround is still to use the hostname.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:09 AM, Lin Ren <lin....@oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Sorry for the broadcast… I have a quick question about issue DERBY-526,
> I’m currently using Derby version, and still meet the same
> problem:
> When I using IPv6 JDBC URL like:
> “jdbc:derby://2001:db8:0:f101:0:0:0:9:1527/xxx;create=true;user=xxx;password=xxx”
> I got the exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:
> "db8:0:f101:0:0:0:9:1527"
> My searched Jira and found out the issue 526, but seems it is still in
> open state, can anyone tell me whether the issue is fixed now? And in which
> version if yes?
> Thanks so much!
> Lin

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