Looking at source code
it appears there is no way without modifying source.

On 20 January 2017 at 21:17, Lazur, Eric J. <eric.la...@jhuapl.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> How can I turn off the creation of the BACKUP.HISTORY file that is created
> by the Derby database?  I am looking for a specific setting in the Derby
> configuration  that I can adjust that will allow me to either turn off the
> generation of the BACKUP.HISTORY file altogether or at least disable any
> writing of information to this file.  We are maintaining a system that does
> frequent backups and we are finding that these BACKUP.HISTORY files are
> growing very large and consuming to much disk space.
> I have searched through the archives at the Derby site but I have been
> unable to locate any information that specifically addresses this issue.
> Thank you,
> -        Eric

Peter Ondruška

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