I am getting this error when trying to install a JAR

      [sql] Failed to execute:  CALL SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR('/opt/canogaview/temp/buil
d/core_pkg/META-INF/customize/csemdb/csem-derby.jar', 'CSEM.csemderby', 0)
      [sql] java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: The exception 'java.securi
ty.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.io.FilePermission" "/opt/canogav
iew/temp/build/core_pkg/META-INF/customize/csemdb/csem-derby.jar" "read")' was t
hrown while evaluating an expression.
      [sql] Failed to execute:   CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('de
      [sql] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: The database class path contains a
n unknown jar file '"CSEM"."CSEMDERBY"'.

This error does not occur with Derby but does occur now that I have 
upgrade to

I believe the this is related to some security change.   Possibly:


The application that is starting the JVM that is running Derby Network Server 
has not changed.   Only the version of Derby has changed.

Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.

I will be honest here.  Trying to find the change in the release notes is darn 
near impossible since the release notes for the releases are no longer on the 
Derby web site, at least I cannot find them.   Having to download an release 
and expand it to see what has changed is pretty awful.

So interestingly I just clicked on this link again:


Now I get a totally different page being returned.   I think this has something 
to do with the mirrors.   Earlier this morning, it brought me to page where it 
shows all of the apache projects and I had to drill down to "db/derby" and then 
was able to download the "bin" zip file for

So there is possibly some issue with the mirrors sometimes not displaying the 
same content.

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