I'm in the process of setting up a new Windows 10 machine, and have just
installed Squirrel. I did this a couple of years ago on my old machine
and it just worked, so I wasn't expecting any problems. I specified
Embedded Derby during the installation, and derby.jar shows up in the
Squirrel plugins directory. So far so good.
Now, when I start Squirrel, all the drivers are shown as disabled.
The plugin settings window shows Load at Startup=true, Internal
name=derby, Name=Derby Plugin, Loaded=true, Version=0.13, Author=Rob
Manning, Contributors=Alex Pivovarov. I double-click on Apache Derby
Embedded, and it shows me the current class path. Derby.jar is not listed.
So I tried the following:
1) Adding the path to derby.jar to the "Extra Classpath" tab and setting
Class Name to org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver. No luck.
2) Copying derby.jar to Squirrel's lib directory, so it shows up in the
main classpath. The log file shows it's in the classpath, and also says
"INFO net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.Application - Plugin derby
created in 0 ms, loaded in 0 ms, initialized in 3 ms, total 3 ms." But
still no luck.
I have also checked that I have full control for the installation
directory and tried copying the drivers to the user
.squirrel-sql\plugins directory. Still nothing.
I'm now at the sacrificing chickens stage. Does anyone have any clue
what is going wrong here?
John English