On 06/11/2009 07:30 AM, volodia blog wrote:
> I just try to integrate myself and to be contributor at Fedora Artwork
> project...

Hi and welcome!

> Just few words about my experience: I'm working for many years (more
> than 20) like designer in advertising, webdesign, DTP, video docu and
> advertising production for local TV stations...

Do you have also any experience with Free/Open Source Software? Have you 
worked with FOSS graphic tools?

> I'm new at Fedora "space", but I like it and I want to do something like
> contributor, I want to learn more about Fedora...

Fedora is a Free Linux distribution developed by an open community and 
the core values of the Design team are the same: freedom and open community.

> I have a Fedora account, my CLA is complete...
> What about the next steps for Artwork acceptance?...

This is a bit tricky, our group in the Account System is under a change, 
we are moving from the "art" group to "design" so we don't have defined 
exactly the rules for membership in "design". We used to ask for 
completion of one task, for example (but not only) something from 

But you do not need this formal label to become a contributor: being 
subscribed to the mailing list is enough, all that matter is happening 
here. Follow the conversations, see when a new task or need appears, 
step up when you have something to say or see a project you are 
interested on working on.

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
photography: http://photoblog.nicubunu.ro/
my Fedora stuff: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/
design-team mailing list

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