On 09/02/2009 03:02 AM, Charles Sutton wrote:
> OK.  I understand from my reading of the usage guidelines of the Fedora
> Logo and symbol that I cannot present the symbol in the manner of the
> Chilean Flag I made yesterday.  This current attached version leaves at
> least the minimum clear space and adds in the required TM.  It is my
> first thing so I am curious to see what everybody thinks.  It is a
> raster drawing, and so as it currently stands could not be scaled up to
> be a basis of the poster Mr. Montero will someday need.

Sorry for not replying earlier Charles. Indeed, your first graphic was a
violation of the logo usage guidelines and the second version is better
from this point of view.

But you don't have to go with a white background for the logo, that
square can come in any color (which will still leave the logo readable,
by providing enough contrast). For example you can make it light blue,
as the secondary color used in the logo.

PS: i suspect the original requester, Jonathan, is not subscribed to the
list and may not follow our conversation, so added him in CC

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