On 03/11/09 15:46, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Check out the test server for the new Fedora spins site, here's the
> games spin on it:
> http://spins-test.fedoraproject.org/games/
> Click on the games tab.... That's a LOT of games. Bert (bertie) and I
> started creating some screenshots for it last night. But a lot more are
> needed. Can you help us out? We made them 300px x 225 px, and took a
> screenshot and put a logo in too. Where the game didn't have a logo we
> made one.
> Let me know if you can help! You can claim a whole letter (e.g., I took
> care of all the games that begin with A) and churn them out. Then zip
> them up or put them in a tarball and email it to me, and I'll check it
> into git (giving you credit of course) and it'll show up on the site.
> P.S. This is a great way for new team members to take on a task as part
> of the design team membership requirements.

I claim "B".
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