On 02/04/2010 10:07 AM, Juan Francisco Fernández wrote:
> I think all wallpapers suggested here are too dark. I have made a few

They are dark because they are realistic, the deep space *is* dark, like 
this: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/iotd.html

> modifications (I changed only the visibility of some layers, the
> combination mode, and the color of a black one) to Mairin rockets
> design, you can see it here:
> http://pintalodenegro.es/rockets5_blue.png

Sure, we can go with a blue sky like this, the sky as viewed from earth 
when the rockets are just launching off, but then we will have to drop 
the stars, they are not visible during the day and maybe introduce some 
cloud, as kanza suggested..

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
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