On 06/24/2010 03:53 PM, Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Cata<catalinf...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Very good idea , but
>> what kind of problems you think that it may appear ?
> Generally, as a spin, we need a maintainer for this, since packages
> may break and testing has to happen. Since the spin itself has already
> been approved, part of the leg-work has already been done. However,
> taking this on /is/ a responsibility, given that spins are being
> prominently featured.

And more: the spin is not a set of packages set in stone, it has to 
evolve, with other packages being added and probably some removed.

Is also a need to check the feedback from the users and verify if they 
are happy with the vision and the product, if what we are doing is 
useful and how it can be improved.

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