Start       End         Name
Wed 26-May  Thu 19-Aug  Supplemental Wallpaper Submission Period
Wed 26-May  Tue 07-Sep  Supplemental Wallpaper Process
Tue 06-Jul  Tue 27-Jul  Wallpaper Design for Alpha
Tue 27-Jul  Fri 30-Jul  Finalize Alpha Wallpaper
Fri 30-Jul  Fri 30-Jul  Alpha Wallpaper Deadline
Fri 30-Jul  Fri 30-Jul  Blog About Alpha Wallpaper
Fri 30-Jul  Tue 03-Aug  Package Alpha Wallpaper
Tue 03-Aug  Tue 17-Aug  Solicit Feedback on Alpha Wallpaper

Have you found something that is working really well in your schedule?
Or maybe you've found something you believe would work better in the 

Update the schedule retrospective page now to capture all of the 
important details as they happen:
design-team mailing list

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