On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 04:24:17PM +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> My non-lawyer mind has comprehension difficulties here: we the the logo 
> in GPL/CC-BY-SA source files still protected by trademark. Can't say if 
> this is a conflict or not.

One of my eventual goals is to work with FPC on trademarks. For example,
fedora-business-cards contains Fedora trademarks, so we can't ship it
with non-official spins...

> If someone is looking to recreate the logo from text + bubble drawing 
> then he's doing it wrong, is so much easy to extract it as vectors from 
> some source files...

The current SVG version on Wikipedia (which we're working on getting rid
of) was TRACED FROM A PNG. Go figure. ;)

Ian Weller <i...@ianweller.org>
Where open source multiplies: http://opensource.com

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