On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 11:24 AM, wonderer <wonderer4...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello there,
> for quite a while there is an idea in the head of some of the
> Design-Team members to get together for a FAD. As far as I know
> Design-team had not something like it IRL, so the idea came up to put
> something together near the next LGM [1] in Montreal. That would be the
> weekend May 7-8 or better 14-15 depending on how much we want to do this
> weekend.
> I set up a first wikipage for that [2] and hope we can get some budget
> for some to attend there. I think someone employed withing redhat or
> near there should be able to get those up and running (mizmo, maybe you
> are our best choise ...?). If someone from around Montreal or around
> have some ideas please also put the ideas into the wiki or here on the list.
> What do you think about it?

Thats a wonderful idea!

We can also always talk to Louis Desjardins about this (he is the
oranizer of LGM 2011) and possibly have it in parallel or
semi-parallel (end or start 2 days different) with LGM 2011. :) I
would hapilly talk to them about that...


> [1] =
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/create/2010-September/003205.html
> [2] = https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_FAD_planning
> mit freundlichen grüßen / best regards
> H. Heigl - wonde...@fedoraproject.org
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