> Hello website designers,
> By and large, the website looks great, and it's good to see that the
> logical page order is sensible for those browsers that don't use CSS.
> All your hard work has produced excellent results. I have some
> constructive criticism for you to consider though. Mostly it's small
> stuff, but there is one bigger problem. I'll stick to page order as it
> appears with CSS & JS so I don't forget anything.

Woah, Marc, this is awesome! We need more eyeballs on the site,
especially when they provide detailed feedback like this. I, uhm,
agree with pretty much all of it I think. I'll reply in more detail on
Monday. :)

Note, by the way, that the slideshow isn't done yet - it still needs
to be changed to look more like the mockups. Also, it will probably
span the full width of the page, like the headers do. That's all
mostly appearance though, your points are still valid.

- Jef

PS maybe we should create a feedback thread on the Websites Team list.
(Does Sijis even read the Design list? If so, hi Sijis!)
design-team mailing list

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