2010/11/20 Daniel Drummond <dmdrummo...@gmail.com>

> I am going to have to relinquish my attempts at this bounty.  When I
> took it on, I thought it would be a 48 hour, give it a go and if my
> ideas weren't brilliant, so be it.  I don't have the time to commit to
> this in order to produce the kind of design you are looking for, and I
> think it would be better if someone with a little more vision were to
> be allowed to contribute.  Thank you for allowing me to attempt it
> though, and for all your feedback.
> Daniel Drummond

Hey Daniel,

I'm sad to hear that, but I understand.

Maybe this assignment was a bit too big (or important) for a bounty, I'd
like to discuss that with the rest of the team during tomorrow's meeting.

Thanks for your contributions and efforts! Know that you can always hang out
here or on IRC if you ever want to do contribute some more to Fedora. :)

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