On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 15:32 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hi Jóhann,
> On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 18:55 +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> > "19:20:09 <mizmo> nicubunu, i dont think so, the thing that is different 
> > now than what has happened before is that as part of my full-time job at 
> > red hat, i keep this team running
> > 19:20:28 <mizmo> nicubunu, having the design team for Fedora is really 
> > important enough that i'm paid to make sure it's going"
> > 
> > "I keep this team running" there's no I in team...
> Have you contacted any member of the Fedora design team to ask them if
> they read my statement in the logs as you are interpreting it here or if
> any of them have taken any other issue with it?

Jóhann's email didn't make the list, so I don't know what else he said,
but I, for one, did not come away with that interpretation. I don't
think it's uncommon, or a bad thing, for teams to have *team leaders*.
And it's not a big secret that you are the design team leader. That
certainly can mean you have more influence on our team decision making,
but again, not necessarily a bad thing, and it doesn't negate the
importance of the anyone else's membership or input in the team.

> Let's not assume there are problems where there are none, and be
> productive about this, okay? :) Remember we're to be excellent to each
> other - I think we all appreciate issues being raised where they exist
> but the Fedora design team is a very friendly, welcoming, fun, and
> respectful group of friends and we don't really fit the picture you are
> painting here. I do not think they would agree with your take on this.

I agree with you here 100% - fun, welcoming, ninja-friendly, and now
available with pandas! ;)

> So maybe let's get back to the issue at hand? And open a new thread on
> this if it is truly an issue worth raising? (Although honestly it's
> likely better resolved within the design team itself.)
> ~m
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