
On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Fabian A. Scherschel <f...@sixgun.org> wrote:
> Oh, come on!
> Asking the user what wallpaper they want on boot is obviously nonsense!
> Should we also ask them what colour icons they want or where the panels
> should be? How about the browser or the default email program? Where does it
> stop?
> The job of a distribution is too decide on sensible defaults so the user
> doesn't have to. This is ridicolous!

It's not that ridiculous if you think about it. It might be different
to what you are used to from a Linux distro.

I'm thinking of lots of modern websites where the design and
functionality has been changed*. These are leading sites that haven't
got to where they are by alienating users. It is similar to changing
the way the desktop works. As a gentle introduction to the changes,
the user on first login is offered a tour of the new features which
integrates nicely with a chance to change or set the optional bits of
the interface. Actually I think that would work really well with Gnome
3 if only someone had the time, the overall vision and the
responsibility for making sure the users 'bought in' to the new


* new.facebook.com and then Facebook's 'New profile'; the second
redesign of Orkut; YouTube's new layout all had interactive tours to
introduce users to the new features (and turn bits of them off if they
didn't like them)
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