On 01/05/2011 05:14 PM, Emily Dirsh wrote:
> So,
> Thanks to herlo for pointing out my little time-travel slip-up. I've
> corrected the date, and I couldn't resist changing the front just a bit.
> I felt like it needed something more exuberant to match the back.
> Anyway, the latest shirt is here [1], and the updated source is here
> [2]. Hopefully everyone likes it, but if not, well, I'll change it! :)
> Emily
> [1] -
> http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam_tshirt_corrected.png
> [2] - http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam_lg_logo.svg
Hi Emily,

Do we have the graphics/source somewhere for the portion that goes on 
the front of the shirt?


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