I am working on a few, and at least one (hopefully more) will be
submitted before the meeting tomorrow - but it will probably be at the
last minute. :P 

On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 12:02 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F15_Artwork_Wallpaper_Submissions
> I'm not seeing any proposals on here :( Here's the requirements for a
> concept submission:
> - Must have at least a sentence describing the link to the 'Lovelock'
> codename
> - Must have at least one sketch or mockup. This could even be the work
> of another artist as an inspiration note, just make sure you properly
> reference the work, and if you upload it make sure the work is under a
> freedom-friendly license (e.g. Creative Commons).
> The proposals are due by our meeting start time tomorrow, I think it's
> 1700 UTC (3 PM US EST).
> I know you've got awesome ideas, so let's get 'em on the wiki page so we
> can discuss them at our meeting tomorrow!
> ~m
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