On 01/25/2013 03:19 PM, Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
Hi, Fedora design team!

I apologize for a non-fedora request, but considering that we're "upstream" of Fedora, I figured it wouldn't be too frowned upon. Plus, I've been active with Fedora for so long, you guys are the first place I could think of to go to for a volunteer site design for kernel.org <http://kernel.org>. :)

If any of you have visited www.kernel.org <http://www.kernel.org> lately, you'll notice that it looks like it was last revamped in 1995. I'm working on redoing the website, and as part of that effort I'd like to introduce a slightly less austere facelift. Perhaps some of you would like to lend me a hand? The following are some of the requirements:

 1. People go to www.kernel.org <http://www.kernel.org> to find out
    the latest kernel info, so the releases table seen on the front
    page must be above-fold if at all possible. This is really the
    core service of the site.
 2. The design should use the default Linux Penguin logo somewhere
    prominent. We *are* the home of Linux.
 3. The design should remain conservative and elinks-friendly. You'd
    be surprised how many hits we get from terminal browsers.
 4. I think we should keep the existing yellow-white-blue colour
    scheme to preserve continuity.
 5. "Site news" will be on its own page -- nobody really cares to have
    that on the front page. Other content will be updated and shrunk
    but remain largely similar.
 6. I like the links-footer on
    https://fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora, -- something like that
    would work very well for kernel.org <http://kernel.org>.
 7. It's going to be a statically-generated website using pelican
    (http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.1.1/). There is no active content
    anywhere, so all I'm looking for, really, is a very handy header
    and a very handy footer. :)

If any of you are interested, please let me know. I would be happy to provide you with more information. I will be happy, of course, to credit the Fedora Design team on the site.

Konstantin Ryabitsev
Linux Foundation, kernel.org <http://kernel.org>
Montréal, Québec

design-team mailing list

Is the source used to generate this page with Pelican available anywhere for us to play with? or is this not publically accessible?


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