
I've read that you already fixed it, but as the original author I was
wondering where do you keep the actual code. The last version I touched
is in git for f21-backgrounds and by that time it loaded all the needed
info from external text files (with .list extension). You now feed the
info directly into the script which is IMHO more error prone... But the
code for loading it from the files is also present which kinda baffles



V Sat, 23 Apr 2016 11:51:18 -0700
Luya Tshimbalanga <l...@fedoraproject.org> napsáno:

> Is there anyone understanding Ruby code? If so, would someone help
> fixing the code to generate files for supplemental wallpapers [1] for
> f24-backgrounds package as soon as possible because the current script
> seems no longer work on that below example:
> $ ruby generate-files.rb
> generate-files.rb:24:in `initialize': no implicit conversion of Hash
> into String (TypeError)
>     from generate-files.rb:24:in `new'
>     from generate-files.rb:24:in `<main>'
> The script itself is older since around Fedora 17. I haven't learned
> how to program ruby code so it will nice to make it easier to use.
> Reference
> -------------
> [1] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier/results/5/

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