Okies, I have added the wallpapers i suggested here:


Into the package just so i could test it, and there is a scratch build here.

WE are going to have to rush to be able to get this sorted before Freeze,
but if we can get a concensus on which wallpapers to add, i can respin the
package, and try to get it in there.

there is a scratchbuild of the package in progress here:



On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 11:17 PM, Ryan Lerch <rle...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 3:53 PM, Ryan Lerch <rle...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 3:51 PM, Ryan Lerch <rle...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 4:30 PM, S.Kemter <sirko.kem...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Just some notes
>>>> @zoltan we definitely need no new wallpaper package, we have to many
>>>> different packages already
>>>> @matt there is no problem, you just need to know the package name you
>>>> can install older ones still in newer releases.
>>>> at both what Ryan has reached with the WG is already a huge step
>>>> forward. We had several attempts to make our supplemental wallpaper better
>>>> visible. Currently they are not shown in the workingstation by default its
>>>> the old ones from GNOME which is always shown there. You might also think
>>>> that we not just deliver GNOME as other DE as well so you have a lot of
>>>> people sitting on the table when you want to reach a change.
>>>> So what we not need are new ideas like add older default wallpaper,
>>>> what we need is a consens with all the DE people not thinking to much as
>>>> KDE, XFCE or whatever environment as more thinking, whats the best for
>>>> Fedora.
>>>> The optimum would be that each release the package is shown in the
>>>> wallpaper settings but get the GNOME people agree to that is the hard part,
>>>> so Ryans achievement is already a step forward in the right direction. So I
>>>> am happy with it.
>>>> The question is more how we select now the 15, just take the best 3 of
>>>> last 5 releases or make a new election? To make an election and get it
>>>> packaged so we can have that for F26, its just a short time. So working on
>>>> that and not come up with new ideas is more helpful
>>> IMHO, the best way would be for the members of the design team to pick
>>> the set. This way we can choose the highest quality images, as well as
>>> ensuring we have a good range of image types, and colors. We don't want to
>>> have all mountain vistas, or ship a set were all the images are primarily
>>> the same color.
>>> cheers,
>>> ryanlerch
>> Just a heads up too,
>> I have created a quick set of images that we might be able to use as a
>> starting off point:
>> https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-supplemental-wallpapers-index/picks.html
>> Additionally, I have the packaging all set up and ready to go if and when
>> we decide to do this
>> https://pagure.io/fedora-design/fedora-workstation-backgrounds
>> --ryanlerch
> Any thoughts on this? It would be awesome to get this into the 26 Beta.
> --ryanlerch
>>>> br gnokii
>>>> Am 27.04.2017 um 07:28 schrieb Ryan Lerch:
>>>> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 3:08 AM, Matthew Miller <
>>>> mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:41:05AM +1000, Ryan Lerch wrote:
>>>>> >    3. Remove all the other wallpapers we currently ship and create a
>>>>> new
>>>>> >    set of the 15 wallpapers from the previous Fedora supplemental
>>>>> wallpapers.
>>>>> What about also including a few of the non-supplimental wallpapers from
>>>>> previous releases? I personally really like F24 and F21, and the F17
>>>>> fireworks seem almost iconic. Plus, FC5 (although the 3d-button look on
>>>>> the logo seems dated.)
>>>> IMHO, these wallpapers are tied to the branding of each individual
>>>> release, so
>>>> I would be worried about including these as the standard wallpapers on
>>>> a default
>>>> install. The supplemental wallpapers don't really have the same
>>>> connection to
>>>> an individual release, and since we have a large back catalog of
>>>> approved, properly
>>>> licenced images, this seemed like a good place to base our search on.
>>>> One thing to investigate here, however, is should we look into better
>>>> ways of exposing
>>>> the wallpapers packaged in Fedora to the user? Currently, these
>>>> wallpapers are not shown
>>>> in Software, and the only way to get them is to know the correct
>>>> package name / fedora release
>>>> name to install, and use DNF. They aren't really "software", so not
>>>> sure if they fit in the Software
>>>> app, although we do have Fonts in there, but the experience provided
>>>> there for searching
>>>> for fonts can feel a bit clunky at times too.
>>>> cheers,
>>>> ryanlerch
>>>>> --
>>>>> Matthew Miller
>>>>> <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
>>>>> Fedora Project Leader
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