2011/4/29 Greg <greg.lu...@gmail.com>:
>> 2011/4/28 Greg <greg.lu...@gmail.com>:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I believe Writer's template, style, outline and numbering facilities are
>> > in need of a rethink. The areas I think are weak, and this is by no
>> > means a full list, are:
>> > - The template organiser dialogue - who knows how to use it and what it's
>> > really for?
>> > - Style management - setting defaults, selecting style-sheets with some
>> > idea of the stylistic/visual impact, changing styles
>> > - Style usage - must become solid, robust and consistent. The
>> > impossibility of getting working single type or mixed type (numbered or
>> > bulletted) outline lists must be solved! At the moment, there seem to be
>> > three or four ways to control list hierarchies and only some (or one)
>> >  of them work. They are using the tab key, using the increase/decrease
>> > indent button, using the list or numbering styles or using the bullets
>> > and numbering's outline view. They each break the others in an
>> > unpredictable way!
>> >
>> > I think the user stories that press on the issues are something like:
>> >
>> > 1/ As a document writer, I want to ensure my document is easy to read
>> > because all the paragraphs, headers and lists are consistent in their
>> > style and outline level, according to their position in the document
>> > hierarchy.
>> >
>> > You can probably tell from this that I think we should strive to make
>> > styles and outline levels so easy to use (while not diminishing their
>> > full capabilities) that users predominantly use styles and not the
>> > ad-hoc editing methods that render most docs inconsistent and difficult
>> > to read.
>> >
>> > 2/ As a document writer, I want to be able to very easily select a
>> > style-sheet to change the look of my document, so I have a good idea of
>> > how the new style- sheet will look before I select it and I should not
>> > have to do much custom editing to get a style I like.
>> >
>> > 3/As a style-sheet writer or modifier, I want to see a style-sheet view
>> > of the world, that shows the hierarchy of styles and their setting
>> > inheritance and overrides, so that I can easily build and maintain a
>> > simple and logical style- sheet
>> >
>> > e.g. style settings inheritance and override hierarchy (This indented
>> > text illustrates the hierarchy, not a design ;o)
>> >
>> > -- Default (All settings, including outline levels)
>> >                --Paragraph text (overridden or new settings)
>> >                --Heading (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --Heading1 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --Heading2 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --Heading3 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                --Header (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --FirstPageHeader (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --LeftHeader (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --RightHeader (overridden or new settings)
>> >                --Footer (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --FirstPageFooter (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --LeftFooter (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --RightFooter (overridden or new settings)
>> >                --List (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --BulletList1 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --NumberList1 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --BulletList2 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --NumberList2 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --BulletList3 (overridden or new settings)
>> >                        --NumberList3 (overridden or new settings)
>> >
>> > 4/As a style-sheet writer or modifier, I want to lock a style-sheet to a
>> > document template, so that only that style-sheet can be used, so the
>> > documents produced are consistent.
>> >
>> > (personally, I'd like to see a way to lock out custom edits for selected
>> > doc templates too, for complete document consistency and compatibility -
>> > this is especially powerful for collaboratively authored docs)
>> >
>> > Aside from the implicated UI redesign, I think an extensive and
>> > professional set of style-sheets would greatly help matters.
>> >
>> > Any thoughts?
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Greg
>> >
>> > --
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>> > All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
>> > deleted
>> At first I though that when you said "style sheets" you were talking
>> about templates... but you also use the word template. What do you
>> refer as "style sheet"?
>> I've never had problems with numbered lists (I mean, once I understood
>> how they work...), but I agree that they are not clear at all.
>> Most users I've seen tend to confuse numbered lists with outline
>> numbering, so a better distinction is needed.
> Then you can't have pushed them much. As I said before "At the moment, there
> seem to be three or four ways to control list hierarchies and only some (or
> one) of them work. They are using the tab key, using the increase/decrease
> indent button, using the list or numbering styles or using the bullets and
> numbering's outline view. They each break the others in an unpredictable way!"
> Just discovered another...As well as Format/Bullets&Numbering/Outline, there's
> Tools/Outline Numbering, which opens a panel that looks the same as the one in
> the  Format/Bullets&Numbering/Outline but which may or may not be the exact
> same panel, controlling the same settings?! I don't see a way
> It's also pretty poor usability that the default in outline lists is for
> numbering to continue, irresprective of the outline level
>> The stylists have a "filter" (drop down menu bellow the styles list)
>> that shows the styles organized by hierarchy with a "tree view"
>> diagram, so that already exists.
> Thanks for that - seen it before but not tried it.
>> About an easy way to use styles, on
>> another thread I proposed a "style status/selector toolbar".
>> For my part, I think that the style handling on Writer is solid(1) and
>> easy to use... but not "new user friendly".
> In general I agree. But there are some notable exceptions. The main one being
> the confusion over nested hierarchies. I will attempt to talk you through why
> I think it's not just bad design but effectively broken. Jump to the end for
> the description...
>> As I said on another thread, Writer is not the kind of program that
>> you can learn by trial and error: you actually need to *study* how it
>> works.
> Of course, everyone would agree with that but let's not use that as an excuse
> for claiming 'it's just difficult to do. Get used to it' We need to strive to
> make it easier.
>> The "potential barrier" a new user needs to climb before being
>> comfortable is high,
> Not of necessity. (I work on much harder to use products than simple word
> processors and even there, I can make inroads to improve usability)
>> but once that barrier is passed the program is
>> even easy to use.
> Yup
>> We need to lower that barrier as much as possible, without losing the
>> valley that exists after that ;)
> So we agree ;o)
>> (1) The few point on which styles need to get better are, IMO:
>>       1- Linked page styles. You can link any style but page styles
>>       2- Math styles: they are completed absent
>>       3- Table styles: the autoformat for tables have some
>> shortcomings (no idea how this can be solved, though)
>> And about templates, the main problem is that the association between
>> a document and its parent template is quite weak: there is no easy way
>> to attach a given template to an already existing document and that's
>> a great limitation.
>> BTW, the template organiser dialogue is there to select your default
>> template, among other things like really organize (in folders, for
>> example) your templates :)
> Yes, but it's rubbish at all the things it's meant to be for.
>> Cheers
>> Ricardo
> Why outlining is so BAD!!!
> 1/ Copy and paste the following into Writer:
> level 1
> level 2
> level 3
> level 2
> level 3
> level 3
> level 4
> level 2
> level 3
> level 2
> level 1
> 2/ Try to use List styles to create the outline levels, so 'level 1' is style
> 'List 1' and so forth. I'd expect the List styles to indent each entry in
> proportion to the list level and this is exactly what it does.
> 3/ Make a new copy of the list and apply the 'Numbering' list styles to create
> the outline levels, so 'level 1' is style 'Numbering 1' and so forth. I'd
> expect the List styles to indent each entry in proportion to the list level
> but be numbered according to the outline level, using the style chosen in
> Format/Bullets&Numbering/Outline. It fails to do this and it looks just the
> same as the List styles
> Modifying the styles (outline&numbering) by changing the outline level so that
> each level increments more, numbering style dropdown to refer (circularly) to
> itself and checking 'restart at this paragraph', manages to turn on numbers
> but the numbers aren't indented and the paragraphs arbitrarily so. If the
> answer is that the styles CAN do some ofwhat I expect, then I'd expect them to
> work, out-of-the-box and allow bullet and numbering style specification.
> 4/How to remedy it I wondered? Alternatives might be a) select the list and
> press the Numbering button in the toolbar OR b) select the list and select an
> outline style from Format/Bullets&Numbering/Outline. OR c), use the paragraph
> indent/outdent buttons to control the indent level
>        a) Completely overrides the indenting specified by the style settings 
> and
> makes a simple non-indented list numbered 1 to 11. Clearly not what I want and
> almost certainly a bug.
>        b) I selected the outline style that adds another digit for each level,
> i.e. '1', '1.1', '1.1.1' and so forth. This had the same effect of removing
> any indents and forming a non-indented list, numbered 1 to 11. Only now is
> there a toolbar shown that seems to provide the functionality to move each
> paragraph to the appropriate indent and with the selected numbering system.
> This is easy enough to use but is not obvious to find and could get pretty
> tedious. Also, If I accidentally or deliberately use the increase or decrease
> indent toolbar button, the outline imposed indenting is corrupted and doesn't
> seem to be recoverable
> I would expect the Numbering styles to turn on numbering and I'd expect to be
> able to create bullet styles that achive the same but with specified bullets.
> I don't expect to choose numbered styles but have to turn numbering on
> manually.
> Too tired to continue writing.
> Cheers,
> Greg
> --
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> All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

The point is that you should *not* use numbered lists for outlining
your document: outline numbering is for chapter/section/... and it is
handled through Tools → Outline numbering, while *numbering styles
must be used only for lists*. They seem similar: you even configure
them on almost the same way, they are different things.
Before you say it: yes, it is not clear at all at first (or second)
glance, specially considering that other programs use numbered styles
for outline numbering. So we have an UI/documentation problem here.
Writer way of working is far more robust... once you understand how to
use it, of course.
So again the problems is the interaction between software and user,
not the functionality that works perfectly.
When you realize that numbered styles must be used only for lists, it
even make sense that the numbering is not restarted by default: unless
you explicitly say that the previous list ended, the software will
consider you want it to continue. After all, you are using the same
style ;)

BTW, I did not say that Writer is a difficult to learn soft in order
to create an "excuse", I did say it as an statement: something that
needs some love to make it better ;)


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