Hi guys,

I have recently implemented the operation to checkout a document in the
LibreOffice UI using an InfoBar (yes, editing a document that is not
checked-out can lead to problems in some workflows).

Now I'ld like to implement the Check-In / Cancel Check-Out operations
that are related to that, but I don't see clearly how to integrate it
best in the UI. So may be you'll have more ideas than me.

Some precisions on these words and what they mean for the user in
document management systems.

Check-out: create a private copy of the document to work on it and lock
the original document.

Check-in: saves the private copy back into the original document and
unlock it.

Cancel check-out: loose all the changed that were saved to the private
working copy and rollback to the original document's state.

Any idea? At times I'm wondering whether entries in the File menu would
be the right way to go... by I'm not sure.


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