Hi all,

> It'd be good to finish up the design at the upcoming IRC chat (on Sunday)

So, since I was asked to try my hand at a mockup design incorporating
the sidebar ... here goes this:

With recent files:

No recent files:

(Please use a Mozilla browser like Firefox ... I didn't bother to make
the CSS any more Webkit-compatible, sorry)

The unfortunate part about the coloured sidebar of course is that we
would need some sort of custom buttons (see the mockups)... not sure how
doable these are – but using standard buttons on a dark green background
would probably not work well. I am also unsure how useful the Help and
Extensions buttons are – feel free to give feedback.

We also chose to remove the tabs at the top, because we felt that the
recent documents area would be most helpful for the last 10 to 25
documents (incidentally, just what that window can hold :) ). Thus there
should be no need to have all those different tabs which also removes
some UI clutter.

And before anyone says that this mockup is not branded enough, secondary
brand elements are included (colours, motif in the sidebar). The logo is
missing, but that is deliberate, to avoid clobbering people with
LibreOffice logo #2 in just a few seconds (splash screen being the first



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