Apologies, it seems the list has eaten the screenshots ;)

Current state of icon:
Ugly mockup icon with white-sheet-background:

-- Andrzej

On 10/12/13 17:55, Andrzej Hunt wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've noticed that the Impress Remote Icon can be somewhat difficult to see on some photographic backgrounds (screenshot attached icon_original.png):

Would it be possible/acceptable to add a white background to the "page" in the icon, to enhance visibility on all backgrounds?

I've attached a quick&ugly mockup showing the difference when a solid background is used (icon_with_background.png) -- I suspect it would however be best to copy the same background as is used in https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:LibreOffice_external_logo.svg in the actual icon?

I suspect this might quite useful to have before releasing the updated/improved Impress Remote.



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