On 10/19/2015 12:57 PM, Stephen Michel wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Aaron Wolf <aa...@snowdrift.coop> wrote:
>> On 10/19/2015 12:30 PM, Stephen Michel wrote:
>>     On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Bryan Richter <b...@chreekat.net
>>     <mailto:b...@chreekat.net>> wrote:
>>         On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 09:43:26PM +0200, mray wrote: On
>>         18.10.2015 21:18, Aaron Wolf wrote: > > We want people to
>>         think is "I get the project $15 more dollars, and I > only had
>>         to chip in $6! Thanks everyone, all you 2,470 others! I'm so >
>>         glad we're all working together to support this!" I don't
>>         think we want that at all. This makes it sound as if this is a
>>         big bragain. Then I think the message should be more clear.
>>         First off, it's crucial that people realize "When I give the
>>         project 6 bucks, it actually receives 15 since other people
>>         match me." That is THE Snowdrift model. :) Matching-funds is
>>         one of the crucial differentating features of Snowdrift, so if
>>         people don't like it, they won't like Snowdrift. And if they
>>         DO like it — which they should — we should highlight it so
>>         they understand it's what we do. We should be proud of it.
>>         This fallacious good feeling is entirely based on the naive
>>         idea that you will never be asked to give more yourself -
>>         maybe way beyond $15 dollar. Isn't it two different things to
>>         say, "Your funds will be matched by others," and, "Your
>>         donation won't change over time?" We can easily say the first
>>         one without making false claims about the second.
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>>     +1 to all of this. I'd like to highlight a different way of
>>     pitching it: When you donate originally, your donation will be
>>     matched by all current donors. When a new donor joins on, there's
>>     now another person to match you, so your donation increases a
>>     little bit (and is matched). 
>> To be precise, if you're an average patron, then when you *first*
>> pledge, you are basically matched 1:1. But then every additional small
>> amount you put it after that is matched many times over, maybe
>> thousands-to-one! If you are the 5,000th patron and everyone's at the
>> base level, then your initial $5 is basically matched by $5 from
>> others. But when the *next* patron joins, your extra 0.1¢ is part of
>> an extra $10 — your extra is matched 10,000 to one!! 
> I'm not sure this is the right way to think about it. If I'm the 5,000th
> patron, my initial $5 is matched 1:1. Now the next patron joins, and I
> add .1¢. Say I decide $5.001 is too much to pay, so I decide to drop
> out. The project loses my $5.0001, and $5 from the other patrons
> decreasing their pledge. Still 1:1.
> I stick by this way of describing it: When I initially pledge, all ~5k
> patrons match .1¢ of my donation. When the next person joins, they match
> my additional .1¢.

Yes, when you drop out, it's a 1:1 loss, but it is literally true that
if you accept your $5 as a given, then your *acceptance* of giving
$5.001 *literally* means that your extra is indeed matched over and over
by every single other patron. It is factually true, not a weird spin,
that your agreement to donate more is matched by everyone else's
agreement to donate more, and so all patrons are getting matched many
times over for each *extra* they add beyond their initial level.

This is precisely true and how it works. You do *not* only get the
matching from the new patron, you *also* get matched by everyone else.

Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
Design mailing list

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